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St Margaret's C of E Primary School

Aim high, never give up. Enjoy learning and growing together.



Welcome to Willow Class

Miss. C. Glover - Willow class Teacher


My name is Miss Glover, I am Early Years Lead and Willow Class teacher. Mrs Jackson is our Willow class TA and Miss Hilton supports children in class. In the Early Years, we encourage children to learn and develop through focused adult-led as well play based learning, by exploring being active and creative and above all by having lots of fun!



Willow Class Information

What to bring to schoolbook bag

  • water bottle daily containing fresh water. 
  • a jumper of cardigan which is clearly labelled with name. 
  • coat which is clearly labelled. 




Our reading expectations are that the children should be reading at least 4 times a week and have their reading records signed each time they read. This is to help the children build up their reading stability, build up their confidence of segmenting and blending new sounds and also to develop a love of reading. Children have their reading records checked every day in school so that we can closely monitor home reading and will get 5 dojos for meeting their reading target; we fully understand that there are things that can come up during the week that can’t be helped. Please let the class teacher know if you are having any issues.


School lunches

Please order your child's school dinner via the grid (app). If you have any problems please contact the office. If you would like your child to be on pack lunches please notify Miss Glover. 


PE Day

Willow class PE day is on a Tuesday.


We ask that children come to school wearing their full PE kit, a school jumper or cardigan and trainers.

Coach Leon from Ed-Start will be taking PE sessions. These lessons usually take place in the hall this time of year but some sessions may take place outside. We advise children wear (red or black) leggings or jogging bottoms in the winter for this reason.



We have an open door policy. Please feel free to speak to a member of staff at drop or pick up. Alternatively you can call the office and a member of staff will return your call. 


How to support children at home

  • Please encourage children to support their own toileting needs including wiping after toileting and washing hands. 
  • Please encourage independence eg children should be able to put on their coat independently. 
  • During dinner time, children will collect their tray and cutlery and carry their food to the table. Please encourage children to eat with cutlery at home.
  • Please watch the weekly phonics videos posted on Tapestry each Friday. Encourage your children to watch and join in with the actions and have a go at forming letters correctly using the Supersonic ditties. 



This half tern our topic is 'changes' and will be based around the book The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. We will be learning all about the life cycle of a butterfly and different kinds of mini beasts and their habitats. 



The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle

Reception Parents Information Meeting Powerpoint
