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St Margaret's C of E Primary School

Aim high, never give up. Enjoy learning and growing together.



What to expect 


Oak Class drop off time starts from 8:45am to 8:55am when doors will shut. Collection will be at 3:30pm on the top playground.


Our break times are:

Breaktimes: 10.10am - 10.25am and  2.00pm - 2.15pm

Lunch: 12.00pm - 12.30pm eating lunch and 12.30pm - 1.00pm outside.


Spellings will be sent home on Friday for the test the following Friday. 


PE is on Thursday with coach Leon. Children can wear their PE kit to school on PE days as getting changed can cause lots of lost clothes issues! Please can you make sure all items of clothing, especially jumpers, cardigans and coats are named. 


Due to our change to Supersonic Phonic scheme the reading days have now changed. These are the new days in which your child's book will be changed. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to speak to me after school or arrange a meeting through the office. 


Each child has been given a book suitable to their phonetical knowledge or sounds that need embedding. Once they have read this book twice at home they will then be given a new book to read. Reading the book a second time can be boring for children but it encourages fluency as well as recognition of sounds already seen.




What we are reading: 

This half term we will be reading a variety of texts that will tie into our history topic 'Early Aviation.' We will be looking at the book Amelia Earhart and Ruby's Worry.

Homework - We have now switched over to our homework menu. Each child will have been given a homework book. Inside you will have options on what task you and your child would like to complete that week. There will also be some expectations on the first page.


